Kopfbild Heliport Services

Wind energy components


Medium intensity obstruction light (LED-based)


The medium intensity obstruction light AOL304-2006 is part of the Heliport Lighting System for wind energy plants and is a combined obstruction light consisting of:

- white medium intensity obstruction light for day and

- a red obstruction light for night use.


It is designed in accordance with the recommendations of ICAO Annex 14 and requirements to climatic and mechanical stress according to FAA.


The red obstruction light part is available as type B (2000 cd flashing), type C (2000 cd steady) or W red (100cd flashing).


The main features are:

  • Combined obstruction light for day and night

  • Effektive light intensity 20'000 cd white and 100 cd red (170 cd peak) - or 2000 cd red on request

  • Reduction of light intensity possible

  • Special lenses to reduce disturbing light influence on the ground

  • LED-based for long life with about 40'000 hours as well as low energy consumption

  • The failure of a single LED does not affect the function of the whole light

  • The LEDs are operated in a gentle mode to increase LED-lifetime once more

  • Overvoltage protection integrated

  • Robust housing and low weight

Medium intensity obstruction light (LED-based)
Medium intensity obstruction light (LED-based)

Obstruction light (W-Rot)


The obstruction light GF2003W is part of the Heliport Lighting System for wind energy plants and is a red obstruction light for night use. It has been developed and designed for marking of wind energy plants. It is designed to comply with the requirements of the German Federal Ministry

of Transport for night obstruction lighting.


Main features:

  • obstruction light W-Rot for marking wind ernergy plants during Night

  • Effective light intensity 100 cd red (170 cd peak)

  • Reduction of light intensity possible

  • Special lenses to reduce disturbing light influence on the ground

  • LED-based for long life with about 40'000 hours as well as low energy consumption

  • The failure of a single LED does not affect the function of the whole light

  • The LEDs are operated in a gentle mode to increase LED-lifetime once more

  • Overvoltage protection integrated

  • Robust housing and low weight

obstruction light W-Rot (LED-based)
obstruction light W-Rot (LED-based)

Control and mounting technology for obstruction lights on wind energy plants


To make the system work smoothly the following components are used:

  • Easy mounting system for kabines roof

  • Pluggable cable connectors at the kabines roof

  • External or internal control for day-/night-switching, syncronizing, intensity reduction etc.

  • Control and measurement unit for intensity reduction

  • GPS-receiver (external or internal)

  • twilight sensores (external or internal)